Light Turnout on a Beautiful Morning – A little lighter turnout with some members taking advantage of milder weather for Fall travel and some recovering from another Fly In. We ended up with about 52 in attendance for the meeting and 35 breakfasts sold.
Call to Order – President Dick Keyt called the meeting to order and recognized the breakfast food prep and service crew. Paula, Lori, Linda, Barb, Claudia, Sandy, Pat, Sue, Deanna, Scott, and Bob came forward for recognition. With the regular pancake cooks out of town, Barb and Sue took charge and cooked the pancakes in both plain and blueberries. The ladies filled the plates on the service line while Bob and Scott were cranking out scrambled eggs and sausage links. Dick noted how when he arrived at 6:35 that the airplanes were out of the hanger and setup was underway!
Lost Member – Dick mentioned the recent passing of a long time 983 member, DR Bales. A memorial was held last weekend. DR had flown 4 Century Series fighters before finishing in the F-16. Dick brought some left over handouts to give to each member. It was what the old time fighter pilots had as their preflight quick meal (a Pepsi and Snickers bar).
Safety Minute – Greg Walker reflected on an emergency landing he made returning from Oshkosh. Cruising through Michigan he smelled burning followed by rapid loss of oil pressure. The backup alternator line chaffed with the oil pressure sensor braided oil line and flashed a spark that severed the line. Luckily the orifice in the line minimized the oil loss and he landed safely in Ann Arbor with 2-3 quarts of oil remaining. Important lessons; 1) Extra vigilance for any wiring or plumbing chaffing in the engine compartment (the level of vibration inside the engine compartment is hard to visualize), 2) Acute awareness of closest airports (Foreflight Glide Ring always displayed on the IPad), and 3) Readily available ATC communication by using VFR Flight Following for cross country flights (Or file IFR). Dick quizzed the crowd on the minimum oil level an aircraft engine can run on: 2 quarts.
Visitors – Craig Gill who currently lives in Georgetown and currently building in The Landings. John Tatum from Cleveland, Texas also building in the Landings and flies Bonanza. Andy Smith was with his mom Rhonda visiting from rural Alaska. He has Dave’s Cessna 150 in Alaska. He was very thankful to the chapter for the close camaraderie Dave had with all the members.
Christmas Party – Dick noted the Christmas Party will be on December 14th. An email will go out later this month with more details and a request to collect money at the November meeting.
September Fly In – Bob Pastusek, this year’s Chair, discussed the recent Fly In. The weather was great and the attendance was good based on recent years.
- About 450 total attendance
- 70 Aircraft, including 9 autogyros
- 62 Show cars
- Silent Auction raised approximately $2000 for the chapter
- A new overall site layout
- Good control of people, cars, and aircraft
- No incidents or close calls…
Young Eagles went well running out of a separate hanger and operating out of the south end of aircraft parking. A record 75 kids were flown at this Fly In with 10 pilots volunteering their aircraft and time.
Andy Lay, a professional photographer, took over 1200 pictures and low fidelity versions will be available on the website. If anyone would like a higher def copy to make a large print they can contact Andy directly. Bob noted how the kids art tables with Dick Stultz were a big hit. Bob mentioned some areas for improvement that will be discussed in the coming months. Once again the 983 volunteers came through to pull off another highly successful Fly In. Special thanks to Bob for leading the charge!
Youth Programs – Tania Magallanes has met all the requirements for her PPL short of the check ride which is scheduled for October 24th. We wish her the best of luck! Wyatt Richardson has been taking ground school at the Granbury airport. The next Young Eagles event is on November 2nd and will be the last one this year. John is planning to start preparing for next year’s Air Academy scholarship soon. Chapter members should help identify candidates (ages 16-18) that could receive a full expense paid scholarship. Applications are needed before the end of the year.
Featured Speaker – Following a short break, Bob Pastusek introduced Walter and Juanita Boyd. Walter is President of Adventure Pilot and creator of the iFly EFB App. Juanita Boyd is VP of Operations and centers her attention on Business development and Public Relations. Together with the team at Adventure Pilot, they focus on quality, customer service and features that pilots want with an intuitive app, iFly EFB. In 2009, merging Walter’s passion for flying and software, he created the iFly 700 GPS, a groundbreaking and affordable aviation GPS. He expanded the product line along with a mobile version, earning a loyal customer base.
Walter emphasized that the built in features focus on Ease-of-Use and Safety. Exemplifying the ease of use is the inside-the-cockpit navigation using big clear buttons, simple gestures, and high contrast colors. Less heads down on a tablet results in improved safety. The app interfaces with many ADS-B IN hardware devices except those that have proprietary protocols (i.e. Garmin). The app operates on any platform – Android, Apple & Windows. They also provide best in class support and have an active user community.
Pricing (per year, 2 devices) for the VFR version is $94.99 per year and VFR/IFR is $149.99.
More information about the app can be found at:
- Forum:
- Facebook Group:
- YouTube:
- Phone/Email/In Person Support
- Offices on the field at KTKI
At the conclusion of the presentation Juanita held a raffle for several chapter members to get a full featured license to iFly EFB. We are very appreciative of their generosity.
No report available
Thanks to all who stayed to store the tables and chairs and help put the two airplanes back in the hanger.