from Mark Zimmermann on 7 Jan 2018
It is time to get our heads back into the game and think about our subassemblies. We have more work than numbers of you students to accomplish the tasks at hand. However, this project isn’t about finishing this “jigsaw puzzle” as much as it is about doing things properly and to aircraft standards. Human lives are in your hands as this airplane takes each and every flight. Safety is our foremost concern, think about that with each rivet you set; are you happy with it, did it set properly and securely? Are the parts you hold deburred that no cracks will form under time and pressure? Each of you are required to uphold FAA standards in your work. I have to say that the job each and every one of our students and mentors have done thus far surpasses the minimal requirements for airworthiness. Good job!
This opens up another topic: inspection and documentation. The completed aircraft must be inspected by the FAA or their designated representative. This will happen after we go through a thorough completion checklist to verify that all items pass within ridged specification. Upon our satisfaction we will present your work to the FAA inspector. He will then go over the aircraft with a fine tooth comb using his personal checklist. When he is satisfied, and we work off any items he presents to us for attention, he will issue an airworthiness certificate to remain in the airplane. At this point the airplane must go into flight test for a minimum of five hours. After the flight test checks are explored and any required corrections are accomplished, the aircraft then becomes airworthy to carry a passenger.
You are all very fortunate to have this opportunity; the mentors to work with such great and enthusiastic students and, students with such experienced mentors who are so willing to share their time and experiences with you all.
Well, I suppose we are on the downhill of the Class of 2018, so let’s all enjoy the ride!